Luca Irvin

Actor | Writer

(Sag - E)

Luca Irvin


Luca Irvin 〰️

Luca Irvin is an actor and screenwriter based out of Los Angeles, California. The world of Cinema consumes his life and loves every second of the journey.

Luca Irvin


Luca Irvin 〰️

What People Are Saying

“Luca’s writing emanates a great deal of emotional intelligence. In the world he creates he does not give the actors characters to play, but rather gives a layered reality to live and breathe inside”

— Truett Killian (Writer & Director)

“I was lucky enough to witness how Luca was able to elevate every scene we had together with his dedication and natural delivery. His professionalism on set was infectious which made everyone’s job much easier and enjoyable.”

— Rob Lacolla (Actor & Cinematographer)

“Luca is both a prolific actor and a spectacular human being as well. He commits everything to the projects and communities he is involved in and has been an incredible addition to every set we have worked together on.”

— Ryan Rathbun (Producer)

Let’s Connect!

Feel free to drop me a message so we can chat about all things acting! Don’t worry, your submissions are in good hands.